Artificial Intelligence
Filtering system is designed to apply the most sophisticated AI with a 99% accuracy.
Real Time Filtering
Processes and categorizes data within websites or apps as it comes in.
Image Analysis
Our AI classifies images as appropriate or inappropriate based on skin color and face detection independent of text.
Multilanguage Support
Supports filtering of content from the most popular languages around the world.
Content Based Filtering
Dynamic filtering based on the real live content of each filtered page.
Multiple Layers and Methods
Offers multiple layers of filtering based on text, image, URL, MIME Type and Protocol.
Time Controlled Filtering
Applying time restrictions and time flexibility, Where you need it and when you need it.
Key Word Block
Apply additional security by blocking pages based on inappropiate key words detected in the url, header, and page content.
YouTube Filtering
We have built a separate filtering system just for YouTube based on the description, comments and channels of each video.

Censors inappropriate text instead of blocking page entirely.
Enjoy a distraction free online experience. No ads popping up out of nowhere.
Apps-only Mode
Removes all unauthorized apps besides for those that were pre approved by the user.
In-App Browser Filtering
Filters content on apps that use embedded browser even when app is allowed.
Complete Customization
Designed to handle different connection types to flexibly allow specific customized filtering.
Absolute Privacy
No tracking of records, browsing or activity besides for troubleshooting purposes.
Ease of Use
Easy to install and configure. Runs automatically and transparently.
Safe Search
Force the device to use the Google and YouTube Safe Search tool, even when allowed to search the site.
GenTech Site Cleaning
A powerful tool which we use to manually clean sites which need to be used but contain unwanted content like http://yahoo.com and give you the opportunity to use the site comfortably.
Quality Time
Its about time! Treat yourself to some quality time with your family or your learning partner without any interruptions. Set Daily or Weekly quality time schedules.

GenTech is built primarily on Artificial Intelligence
designed to recognize individual pages in
Real TIme on Zero Day Websites
Web 2.0 and so much more…
Cutting Edge Image Filtering Technology

Image analysis
The GenTech Filter will analyze an image, even for pages with allowed text content, with extreme accuracy to determine the level of appropriateness. Multiple layers and applications are used to identify skin color, rating it benign, or otherwise applying our innovative image altering treatment according to policy requested by user.

Image Filtering Options
Our image altering technology repaints skin colored pixels or altogether replaces the image in filtered pages or even inside apps. Block it when its inappropriate. Color it when it’s ok, but you don’t want to see it. You may also choose to leave it for business or shopping purposes.
Multilingual Support
10+ Languages

Governed by the needs of globalization and cultural openness GenTech addresses the actual text of each filtered page and accurately filters content in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Romanian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Portuguese.
Ad-block - Why not?
Everyone is trying to get your attention. Its annoying and distracting! Buy me, look at me, gotcha! GenTech simply says “Leave me alone, Don’t bother me, You’re disinvited!” Thank you very much!
Before Ad Block After Ad Block
When in Doubt - White-out
GenTech will redact and white out the content you don’t want so you don’t have to be bothered with watching out what’s coming next! Just so you know there’s Whiteout censoring so browse with ease.
Before White Out After White Out

Best of Both Worlds
Finally! You can use Apps, surf the web, and get all your work, tasks and leisure activities done effectively – the only thing you’ll miss out on is the material you don’t want to see.
Hi Tech Solutions
GenTech, based on the famous Livigent ™ filter, relies on real live artificial intelligent solutions. It is not limited to your browser, nor does it require a designated “secure browser”.
It`s Easy!
Simple, easy to install and configure. Just swipe your device and you’re on. GenTech runs automatically and transparently, with no need to tweak or change any existing interface.